The Antiglobalist Alliance |
In the godless secular world in which we now live, self-appointed globalist deep-state actors are running naked to the finish line of imposing their totalitarian nightmare upon us. These self-appointed globalists hide deep within the intelligence bureaucracies, within our justice systems, our educational systems, our state and federal bureaucracies, and the editorial offices of our mainstream media.
As detailed in the new book, “The Antiglobalist Manifesto,” Archbishop Viganò named the most visible participants in this evil cabal and argued that we must bring this evil cabal to justice before international tribunals. concluded with the confidence that in the end, God always wins. What the globalists forget is that God is sovereign. The final act of this dark end-days drama has already been written. In the end, God always wins—and God will win here too, but only if we join together to resist the darkness and pray together for God’s protection and mercy.
So, In the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7–14, please join us as we bend the knee and ask God to forgive us for letting this godless woke insanity run wild. God has given us perhaps one last opportunity to create an historic Great Awakening. If we commit ourselves to a global revival, God will do the heavy lifting of locking Satan back within the confines of Hell where evil belongs. But we must abide by His commandments and act NOW!

They are atheists, convinced there is no value in human lives except maybe for their own. Believing their mission is to “save the planet,” the World Economic Forum, in conjunction with the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the World Health Organization, are prepared to kill billions of people considered useless to them. This self-appointed globalist elite believes that artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and advanced robotics will allow them to advance to a transhuman status in which they will enjoy perpetual life extension. Their goal is to extinguish the belief that God as the Creator endowed us as human beings with inalienable rights that no state dared violate. Bizarrely, the androgynous transgender now comes out of the shadows in a “day of visibility,” advanced by the nation’s head-of-state to an increasingly secular public as the poster child of this New World Order utopia. We have systematically removed God from our schools, our public squares, our homes, our marriages, and our lives. Stepping in to fill the void is the androgynous goat-man Satanic god Baphomet.
We are witnessing the triumph of a neo-Marxist ideology only capable of destroying. The Marxist revolution morphed into cultural warfare that aimed to destroy God and the family in the celebration of unleashed libido.

In order to truly present a resistance and coordinate activities in an international movement such as this, we must amplify our voices to heard above the noise. Therefore, we are starting seven network groups (in alignment with God’s symbol for completion and perfection). These groups will enable other members of the resistance to share experiences and expertise, and develop one script under one direction.
We will be able to set the stage not only for common resistance action but also for an awakening of those who are still in the dark.